The Smart Tire Pump

Is the Correct tire pressure very important?

Correct tire pressure is essential for realizing climate gains and road handling. More...

Sustainability and correct tire pressure go hand in hand

The right tire pressure contributes, without a doubt and a proven method, to greater sustainability. More...

Tire pressure relevant to the climate?

How the right tire pressure can really make a difference to the environment? More...

Tire pressure, Climate Contribution policy and CO2 emissions

Include tire pressure in your company’s climate policy and immediately save on your CO2 emissions. This measure has even been included in the climate agreement in order to achieve substantial CO2 savings in a cost-effective manner. In the Netherlands alone, an annual saving of 0.4 megatons can be realized through correctly inflated tires.

Driving with properly inflated tires makes a direct and measurable climate contribution, in terms of:


A correct tire pressure ensures better road holding and thus contributes to safer driving. Properly inflated tires increase grip and considerably shorten braking distances. The Smart Tyre Pump, therefore, ensures both a better environment and increased traffic safety. Everyone wins!


By reducing CO2 and particulate emissions, you ensure sustainable mobility. You waste less, drive safer and quieter. Benefits that really make a difference, now and in the future.


Every liter of fuel you don’t use prevents the emission of almost 1.2 liters of oil. If all tires in the Netherlands were correctly inflated, we would all save as much as 175 million liters or about 22 liters per car.

Because millions of tires (yes, a big pile) wear out less quickly by driving with the correct tire pressure, a lot less CO2 is emitted. Thus, up to 600,000,000 kilograms of CO2 can be saved annually. About 0.6 megatons, according to experts, an awful lot.

Soft tires provide more rolling resistance. As a result, the engine has to work harder, which means you consume more fuel. According to the ANWB and SenterNovem, this can cause up to 5% more fuel consumption per year. The extra cost per passenger car can easily amount to 50 euros per year. Wasted money, right?

The COâ‚‚ Performance Ladder is an instrument to stimulate (large) companies that participate in tenders to act in a COâ‚‚-conscious way in their own business operations and in the execution of projects. This mainly concerns energy saving, the efficient use of materials, and the use of sustainable energy. A higher score on the ladder is rewarded with a concrete advantage in the tendering process, in the form of a notional discount on the tender price. The COâ‚‚ Performance Ladder has five steps that, in general, yield a discount of 2% per step.

The purpose of the ladder is to encourage companies to be aware of their own COâ‚‚ emissions (and those of their suppliers) and to constantly look for new opportunities to reduce the climate impact of their own business operations and their own projects. The instrument stimulates companies to actually carry out these measures and also to share the knowledge they have acquired and to seek further ways of reducing emissions together with colleagues, knowledge institutions, social parties, and governments.

Urgenda 40-point plan
On June 24, 4 years after winning the climate case in The Hague, Urgenda and more than 700 organizations presented the 40-point plan and handed it over to the government. This plan contains 40 measures that help the government and show that it is possible to reduce CO2 emissions by 25% before the end of 2020. All measures together represent a reduction of 10 to 15 megaton CO2.

Measure 27: Tires at Tension
In order to help and encourage the government to reduce CO2 emissions by 25% by the end of 2020, the 40-point plan contains a wide range of measures. From large and expensive measures to simple ones that are easy and quick to implement. One of those measures, number 27, is to bring the tires to the right pressure.

To purchase a Smart Tire Pump, you don’t have to search a lot. You can find the models in our shop and order them right away. Start contributing to a better environment today and discover our smart and sustainable solutions.

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